Production Manager
(508) 520-2780 x177
In addition to filming local government meetings, such as the Norfolk School Committee, Andrew also programs our public and government channels as well as creates beautiful bulletin board messages for our digital bulletin board. Andrew has been with us since 2012 and we're lucky to have him!
Member Services Coordinator
Logan Keefe is a recent graduate of Film & Television and Dramatic Writing at the Savannah College of Art and Design. His work in video production began through his trade of Multimedia Communications at Blackstone Valley Technical High School and advanced through a co-op internship at MilfordTV Local Cable Access. He has worked as an Accounting Clerk, Production Assistant and Extra on films for Marvel Studios, Aldamisa Entertainment and Netflix. Through independent filmmaking, he has worn many hats but mainly serves as a Writer, Director and Producer. He loves every aspect of the filmmaking process and can't wait to use his wide-ranging skills to bring live coverage to the Norfolk Community.
Term Expires 2025
Beef is the former Vice President of IT Infrastructure & Operations for Caritas Christi Health Care System, a 8th Degree Black Belt In Shaolin Kempo Karate, an Usui Reiki Master/Teacher and a video producer! He has his own show at NCTV called "Beef Cuts" where he gets to know some of his karate comrades outside of the dojo. Beef is our newest board member and joined in April 2018. He also was awarded NCTV's Volunteer of the Year Award for 2017! Beef took over the Treasurer role in August 2018!
Co-President/Executive Advisor
Term Expires 2025
Reynolds is heavily involved in Norfolk and was named Person of the Year by the Norfolk Community League in 2013. We welcomed Reynolds to the board of directors in 2014!
Vice President
Term Expires 2025
Jill is the talented host of "Our Town" where she highlights important events, groups, and individuals in town! NCTV welcomed Jill to the board of directors in 2014!
Member at Large
Term Expires 2025
Pamela has been involved with NCTV for many years. She produces and stars in her own show, “Ruby’s Roundup,” incorporating her talents as a photographer and a singer/song writer along the way.
Member at Large
Term Expires 2025
Al joined the NCTV team in March 2017 and has already brought an immense amount of expertise to our board! Al is involved in a number of other organizations in the Town of Norfolk.
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